16 Criminally Bad Santas
These not-so-nice Santas were all arrested while doing their best Jolly Saint Nick impersonations.
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Santiago, Chile. December 22, 2011. Police arrested a demonstrator dressed as Santa Claus during a protest where protesters demanded changes in education funding. -
Austin, Texas. December 21, 2012. James Peterson, was arrested after spreading holiday cheer and chalk with young people in front of the Texas capitol building. After asking "Why am I being arrested?" a female officer stated, "You're the only report that we got of chalking." -
Ontario, California. November 29, 2013. Karl Hilgert, was taking part in a protest at WalMart were protesters were demanding the retail giant (who employs over 1% of the working population of the country) bring their pay up to a living wage. Hilgert was hauled off by police, during a scuffle outside of the store. -
San Francisco, California. December 13, 2008. This unnamed Santa was hauled off by Police, during Santacon, an event where a bunch of people dress up as Santa and go around the city getting drunk. -
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. July 16, 2013. Wiley Gene Davis, 49, who played Santa in Oklahoma City Schools, was arrested and charged with lewd proposals to a child under 16, violation of the Oklahoma Computer Crimes Act and possession of a firearm. -
Republic of Belarus, (Country Neighboring Russia) 2009. Santa is arrested because he was part of the "Stop 193.1!" protest who oppose the law. The campaign claimed the law prevents the development of civil society through making it very complicated to register public associations. -
New Brunswick, Canada, 2013. Jean Sock is arrested by the RCPM (Royal Canadian Mounted Police,) along Hwy 11 at Elsipogtog Fracking protest. -
December 25, 2006. Santa Clause is arrested for being drunk in public. -
Canada, December 12, 2007. Santa and several of his elves were arrested for trying to deliver lumps of coal to Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper. ACT for the Earth is calling for their immediate release and an end to Canada's sabotage of the UN climate talks in Bali, Indonesia. -
Akron, Ohio 1978. John Kaufman, 30, after he was arrested for allegedly assaulting a jeweler who objected to his method of soliciting contributions. Kaufman, who was booked on assault charges, was in charge of a group of three Santas from the Cleveland Temple of Hare Krishna who were soliciting contributions in an aggressive manner, according to police reports. -
Massachusetts, November 25, 2013. 62 year old mall Santa was arrested after allegedly pinching the buttocks of an 18-year-old woman who worked with him as an elf photographer. -
Cisco Texas, December 23, 1927. Marshall Ratliff was one of four man who dressed as Santa and held up the First National Bank. The Santa Claus bank robbery led to the largest manhunt ever seen in the state. They got away with $12k but were eventually caught. -
Chicago, December 6, 2010. This drunk Santa walked into a Brown Elephant resale shop in Chicago and gave other customers a profanity-laden piece of his mind. When an employee tried to escort him from the store, he shoved them to the ground and took off running. When this Santa was arrested he didn't go down without a fight, spitting and kicking an officer in the shin. -
Osceola County, Florida. December 23, 2012. Mike Busey, aka the "King of Rock and Roll Debauchery," was arrested during a house party at his Florida home he calls the "Sausage Castle." An undercover police officer paid the $20 cover charge for "Mike Busey's End of the World Sexy Santa Holiday B-Day" inside, he saw liquor being sold without a license. Busey was booked and jailed, but even after he was released, he tweeted "Last Night I Got Arrested For Throwing A EPIC Party! I Never Had Some Much Being Arrested!" -
Apex, North Carolina. January 12, 2012. John Thomas Peters, 70, was arrested during a sting operation "We had set up an operation to have the gentleman meet the juvenile for a photo shoot" Apex Police Capt. Ann Stephens told CBS. Peters referred to himself as "Santa John" on a Santa buddies website, saying on the site he worked at stores dressed up as Saint Nick so he could interact with children. Peters was charged with first-degree sexual exploitation, one count of solicitation of a child by a computer and one count of dissemination of porn to a minor. -
San Bernardino, California. December 24th, 2008. Santa was arrested in s drug sting by detective Mitch Flagler for dealing Bolivian marching powder, 700 lbs of marijuana, and a designer ecstasy called "Slegh Bells."
- 16 Criminally Bad Santas
- 25 Scary Facts & Stats About Everyday Life
Santiago, Chile. December 22, 2011. Police arrested a demonstrator dressed as Santa Claus during a protest where protesters demanded changes in education funding.